Bit vector  0.9
Fast and space efficient dynamic bit vector library.
Fast dynamic bit vector headers

Compiling headers

If you wish to use the headers in your project, it should suffice to add the repository as a submodule (non-recursively) or copy the headers in the bit_vector sub folder.

To use. Simply #include bit_vector/bv.hpp.

A compiler supporting c++ 20 is required. All testing has been done with g++ and there is no guarantee that other compilers will work.

Branching operations do aggressive cache pre-fetching. Due to this, CACHE_LINE with the cache line size should be passed to the compiler. In the Makefile this is done by running CL = $(shell getconf LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE), and passing the returned value to the compiler with -DCACHE_LINE=$(CL).

See the Makefile for more.

Compiling and running benchmarks

Clone the repository recursively (git clone --recursive to ensure availability of DYNAMIC.

If a sufficiently new version of g++ is available, you can simply compile the benchmarking binaries with "`make bench`".


Testing and Test coverage

Tests are built using googletest. googletest is defined as a sub-module of the repository and should be automatically downloaded during a recursive clone.

For generating coverage reports gcov, lcov and genhtml are used. If missing, these should be available on distribution package managers.

If you do not want to run tests, the googletest submodule is not needed.

If you do not want to generate coverage reports, gcov, lcov and genhtml are not required.

Test can be run with "`make test`" and coverage with "`make cover`"

API documentation

Compiled docs are available at

Installing Doxygen from a distribution package manager should suffice.

If you do not need to generate documentation, you do not need doxygen.

Documentation is generated in the "html" subfolder with the "`doxygen`" command.